Autonomous factory Rog has survived a violent eviction attempt on June 6th of 2016, eviction attempt organized by the Municipality of Ljubljana and enacted by a local private security company Valina. The community has responded to the insidious attack with a strong mobilization and practices of solidarity that prevented the eviction and enabled the subsistence of Rog. The factory continues to be a terrain of daily experimenting with alternative ways of organizing, it continues to provide space for those who are excluded from elsewhere and it continues to be a living organism of political organizing, exhibitions, movie screenings, community cooking, self-organized social work, sport practices, skate sessions, bike-repair workshops, non-commercial parties... Despite that, the future of Rog remains uncertain and depends on practices of solidarity! The decision about the future of Autonomous factory Rog has since June 2016 moved from the streets to courtrooms, where 8 individuals are being persecuted by the municipality with the aim to obtain legal grounds for the eviction of the community of Rog. The court procedures, a part from being unpleasant, represent a big financial burden for the individuals, the mounting legal expenses require constant organizing of community benefit events and a regular call for donations.

We cannot defend Rog as individuals, the defense requires a community response, because the story of Rog is also a case for a different, autonomous, non-gentrified city. Therefore we invite you to make a donation for Rog’s legal expenses to the PayPal account.

All the donated money will be allocated to the covering of legal expenses of the persecuted individuals. However, we will soon meet again at the barricades, where we will be defending autonomy and community against repressive city authorities.

Spread the call around your networks, reach out, contribute!

Solidarity is a practice!